Thursday, November 9, 2017

David Allen writes


And so it goes,
Rennie has blown up
and I left to ponder
the question of existence
once more.

What was weird
this time was
I wasn’t mad
that my ancient Renault
left me abandoned
on the highway.
Maybe it had something
about the Zen book
I was reading.

When the engine conked out,
making loud clanking
and whirring noises,
oil blowing its way
from the engine compartment,
soaking the hood,
splattering the windshield;
weird looking pieces of metal
sticking up from where
they didn’t belong;
I didn’t get mad.
Instead, I kicked the front fender
three or four times,
sat down on the curbside
and erupted in a fit of laughter.

Another roadblock 
challenging me.
But I didn’t fret.
I probably didn’t need
to go to the city
 Image result for markus oehlen paintings
 Cowboys und Indianer -- Markus Oehlin

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