Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Jennifer in Two Voices

     I know why the sky sings the blues – for you, Jenny, for you – atmosphere breaks down and cries. Once the wind must have had your voice: Wind makes my soul rejoice to hear you echo once more. Your precious beauty to preserve, earth freezes to its nerves in ecstasies of ermine. And the waves for you outreach -- the sea begs up the beach, hands-&-knees its way in pride. And trees have honored you in gold, red carpet where you rode, jade ceilings and emerald floors -- nature's learned your lesson well how to be beautiful: your appearance is your sermon.
     I know why the sky sings the blues – for you, Jenny, for you – atmosphere breaks down and cries. (Across the landscape many-firred, atmosphere breaks down and cries,) Once the wind must have had your voice: Wind makes my soul rejoice to hear you echo once more. (urges us make love manifold. To hear your echo once more) Your precious beauty to preserve, earth freezes to its nerves in ecstasies of ermine. (among the creeks and conifers in ecstacies of ermine,) And the waves for you outreach -- the sea begs up the beach, hands-&-knees its way in pride. (in fields of foxes henna-furred – I hands-n-knees my way inside) And trees have honored you in gold, red carpet where you rode, jade ceilings and emerald floors – (where moist warmth is plentiful. On jade ceilings & emerald floors,) nature's learned your lesson well how to be beautiful: your appearance is your sermon. (raven-eyed/lynx-face Jennifer: Your appearance is your sermon.)
     Across the landscape many-firred, atmosphere breaks down and cries, urges us make love manifold. To hear your echo once more among the creeks and conifers in ecstasies of ermine, in fields of foxes henna-furred – I hand-n-knees my way inside where moist warmth is plentiful. On jade ceilings & emerald floors, raven-eyed/lynx-face Jennifer: Your appearance is your sermon.

--Duane Vorhees

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer sur deux voix

    Je suis pourquoi le ciel chante le blues
    -- c'est pour toi, Jennifer, pour toi --
    l'atmoshere se partage et pleure
    "A travers les sites trop-brules, l'atmoshere s'ecrase et pleure:"
    Le vent avait une fois ta voix:
    Le vent apporte dans mon ame le desir
    d'ecouter encore ton echo
    "de faire de l'amour dans des mille et cents sortes. Pour encore ecouter ton echo"
    Pour garder ta precieuse beaute,
    La terre glace jusqu'aux nerfs
    dans des extases d'hermine.
    "parmi des ruisselets et les sapinieres dans des extases d'hermine,"
    Et les vagues depassent les berges pour toi--
    agenouillee, la mer supplie la plage,
    malgre sa fierte.
    "sur les champs parsemes de renards a fourrure-henne -- j'agenouille aussi,"
    Et les arbres t'ont rendu les honneurs en or,
    un tapis rouge ou tu montais a cheval,
    un plafond en jade et des planchers en emeraude--
    "ou la chaleur humide est fertile. Sur des plafonds en jade et des planchers en emeraude,"
    la nature a bien appris de toi sa lecon
    d'etre belle:
    ton apparition est ta lecon.
    "Jennifer, aux veux noires / au visage de lynx: ton apparition est ta lecon."

    --tr, Alina Duminica & Dorin Popa


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