Sunday, March 15, 2015

Timothy Spearman writes and shoots

                                                A Poeture Speaks a Thousand Words

A Waking Dream

She sleeps while I wake
I walk the earth, she the astral plane
She is asleep but awake
I am awake but asleep
I’d prefer to wake in her dream
and walk in her sleep
Am I a butterfly dreaming I am with her?
Or am I with her dreaming I am a butterfly?
Let us fly to the past so we can see the future
Let us soar to the future so we can survey the past
May we wake in our dream
And dream when we wake


  1. I congratulate Tim for being the first outside contributor to this blog, with a very fine poem and picture. I hope he will grace these pages with more of his work.

    Does anyone have any response to Tim's work? Or mine? Or the music? This is (I hope) an interactive site for people who enjoy good music and good writing and are passionate about their opinions.

  2. Ooops. In correcting what a thought must have been a typo I fouled things up. I have restored the author's intent now. Tim created a neat neologism by combining poem and picture to create the word poeture. The image and the words belong together.

  3. Hi Duane, No harm done buddy. It's great to be back in the saddle. I enjoy working with you. We should get some good mileage out of this wonderful blog and have some fun with it. I'll keep coming up with more ideas for the Poeture series.


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